Thursday 9 June, 2005

Long Time

Long time since the last post. A week I guess. A lot has happened in the last one week. So thought I'll mention all that conspired, in one go.
The weekend was the first time that I spent as a tourist in Sydney. With friends coming from NewCastle, I decided to see Sydney, the basic tourist way. Took out the Sydney City Guide, that I picked up from the airport, when I landed on the most odd day of the year. 1st of Jan. Now, no getting me on that.
We started of with the Taronga Zoo, spending more than 3 hours looking at animals, and that was surely the most boring part, for me atleast. Having seen atleast 3 other wildlife parks, this one was no different. So, nothing much to gain from the 33$ ticket (boo hoo!! :((( could have done so much with that much cash :(( ) Back from the zoo, we made our way to the Opera House, only to be told that both the main halls were showcasing performances, and hence wouldn't be shown on the tour that day. So, we made our way to grab some pizza, and then to the Sydney City Tower. The view from 250m above sealevel sure is gr8! ;) Have put up some panoramas. Worth seeing my guess.
Final trip of the tourist day out was at the Sydney Aquarium, famous for its shark enclosures, and the great barrier reef collection. But, having already seen the reef first hand, this was no comparision, and so the 18$ ticket was only good for the sharks :(( Late into the night, we trodded on the forbidden paths of Sydney: Kings Cross. Known for all that shit that all IITians love since day 1 of their stay in the campus ;), the first hand experience (my 2nd time in Sydney) was amazing :D:D A walk from the city, to the Kings X , just showed what Shrini and Machi have so far preached. Being in the bare essentials, is the best thing in life ;) A long night ahead of us, we cut our first deal. With 6 stags entering a night club, it was highly obvious that we were going to be charged an entry fee. But being shrewd and money minded baniyas that we all are, we sure managed to scrape through with minimum casualty to our pockets. And heaven it was what we entered. Atleast for most of us ;) One IITD chap, had the guts to doze off here, and later on said, all that he was doing was just taking small naps :O:O With such places all over the road, we made sure we check out a bunch of other places too. This is where Bansal got the time of his life. A real sick female, playing the role of a stripper (:O:O) in an attempt to give him a lap dance, took off his specs and gave it a nice-cool brush around her genitals ;):) And Bansal had the enthu to put them on again! Man! That was something =))
Getting up on day 2 of being the tourist in a city where you've lived for 5 months ain't the best thing. We decided to go for the Opera House Tour, and the plays playing there surely interested me. Am actually looking forward to seeing one soon. Aah! Coming back to the tour. Awesome construction. And the Main Performance Hall is the best. With an Organ instrument that took 10 years to make, 2 years to tune, and takes 3 weeks to tune everytime needed for a performance, its surely a masterpiece! Finally, with all 5 of us tired, we decided to call it the quits, and I left everyone to do their souvenir shopping at Paddy's Market, China Town. I was thinking of going for the Little Italy Food Festival, that was on, but decided against it. That can be seen with the fact that I landed on my bed at 6 PM and the next thing I know is checking my watch at 7 AM, Monday! I lost 13 hours! Damn!!!
Monday being un-eventful, Tuesday saw me watching 2 movies one after the other, for the price of one :) Tuesday is the student's day out. With tickets as low as $6.5 per movie, (as against a normal of $12) this is the best day to watch a flick. Hitesh, Mayank and I were at the Hoyts, Eastgardens Westfield, we saw The Longest Yard, and then sneaked into the theatre playing A Lot Like Love :D So much for sneaking into movies.

Guess that rounds up the events of the week. So, till something else crops up here, ciao


P.S.: did anyone realise that in Australia there is a website for everything that is there to see around this place? Ain't that odd?


At 12:31 pm, June 09, 2005 , Blogger Shrini said...

Kitna masti kar rahaa hai re tu :D

At 12:36 pm, June 09, 2005 , Blogger vishnoi said...

jyada nahin :D just finishing up on the tourist lot :)

At 5:20 am, September 18, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

At 5:20 am, September 18, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work! |


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