Sunday 22 May, 2005


This is strange. For the longest time that I haven't cooked my dinner has occurred this week. When I first landed at this place, I thought, like a true Indian, I shall cook my own meal, and save infi cash from the allowance that the uni. is giving me here. But then, coz of the laziness that has been in me since ages, (I guess its been in me since I was born!!!), I have always been an eater outside. But till this weekend, that would be limited to once a week. At the most, a couple a times a week. This week was different though. I didn't have much to do, and so was eating and trying out the different restaurants in and around cleaveland street. But all this happened on Friday.
before Friday cometh Thursday. And it all started when I got my paycheck for the last two weeks. he he:) that just cleared my bankcruptcy to some extent!! So, I went to Eastgarden Westfield, but first decided to do some really boring grocery shopping :( But then came the good part. Hitesh joined me and we went on to have two 12inch subs each from SUBWAYS!!! Generally I would be ordering a single 6 incher, but due to some reason that I don't recall, I agreed on two 12 inchers. :D:D After that, came the good old Friday. the end of the week :) And on an impromptu decision, Hitesh and I set out to taste and grade all the Indian restraunts on and around Cleaveland Street!!! Starting from Maya Da dhabha, to Sagar Sweets, Mehrey da Dhabha, Holy Cow (that is such a sick name for a restraunt!!) and finally finishing at Maya Sweets :D:D That was one awesome trip. But yes, our pockets were a lot lighter than what we started off with. (actually justmy pocket was lighter, Hitesh used his Credit card :D:D). Yesterday, I was in the city, with a group of friends, and had a large pizza off Pizza Hut! And in the night, went for the international dinner. So that aint any cooking either!
And then cometh today. Am sitting at a friend's place, using her laptop to write this blog while she cleans up her 'really really huge' room! (this room is 6-7 times my tiny IIT cublice :O;) ). And it ain't that dirty either. But, explaining that to girls isn't a good proposition!!! That's what I guess. Dinner may or may not be at a restraunt, but the latter is looking more hopeful rite now ;) Lets see what comes, as the night falls!!


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