Sunday 10 April, 2005

Lab Comps Suck!

Late on Friday, while I was writing up my blog, I was reading the news.
And to top it all, I was writing about the scenes in Indian politics, of how the BJP screwed up all their chances for making a comeback by calling the present PM of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the weakest of all PM's ever! And then the mention of how Hindutva had actually kept the country's secular front still alive! And the 'wish of the people' being to get a Ram Temple in Ahodhya! Dude, Advani sucks!
Then I thought about Pope John Paul II's death, and how and when did he make a mark in my life, that today I feel depressed when I see or think about his funeral? And finally, whether the Indian Cricket team would make it a third in a row ?
And then, my luck ran out, just when I was publishing the post, the internet allotted for the computer ran out, and I lost the complete post!! Well, I have tried to incorporate the most of salient points, but this aint that good :(. Still, what can I do?


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