Sunday 3 April, 2005

Nothing Doing!

Yesterday was a shitty day in more ways than one.

1. I had nothing to do.
2. I had nothing to do.
3. I had nothing to do.
4. I was sitting in the library for most of the day!

Now explaining the first 3 points shall be very tough, so coming to the last (but not the least for any reason!!). I went to the library to check mail, and with the thought that I would be back in less than an hour. I came back after a stint of 5 hours on the same seat! But before this story, let me tell you more about the night in surry hills!
As I had said in the earlier post, I was dying for some south-Indian delicacy, and so as planned, I went to Surry Hills. On my way I called Flo, (he stays at Surry Hills), that we could meet up there. As planned we met up at Coles @ Surry Hills, and then after taking a take-away of chana-bhatura (yes I changed minds on my way!), we bought a couple of beer bottles, and then made our way to his house. There I met Allen, the owner of the place, nice chap. We went for a few beers to a local pub, (sponsored by Flo!), and then back to his place for food. I had my 'hot-Indian' meal, while Flo cooked some rosetto for Allen and himself. We shared the beers, and at about 2230 hrs, I decided to call it a night, and made my way to the bus-stop. When aboard on 393, I met this IITD chap, Hitesh. He's been doing some projects in the Uni., and is thinking of apping in finance next year. Nice chap (that's coz he gave me a chocolate, and invited me to his place... Which happens to be on Meeks St. too!!). We had a nice talk before at about 2345 hrs, I decided to walk the last 400 meters back to my place.
Next, coming to my grand time yesterday, that I spent in the library, it was somewhat fruitful. Firstly, I had some chat with Bale, and Tejasvi, 2 seniors from H7. Next I kept a close watch on the Indian batting in the match vs. Pakistan, and finally scripted my new homepage skin, that I'll upload tomorrow, hopefully! If you read this thing after 4th April '05, here's the link:
After getting back to my place, I did nothing much, just sit around and kill time... something that I am very good at if I have a computer!
guess thats all for the 'yester'day!


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