Monday 2 May, 2005


Money, Money, Money, the root cause of all evil. Though we had unearthed this amazing thing :)

money=sq. rt. (evil) ... (1)
We all know that,
time=money ... (2)
and, women=time * money ... (3)
therefore, from (2) and (3)
women = money^2
and, using (1)
women = (sq. rt. (evil))^2
or, women = evil

I know this is a very old one, and I had first heard of this one when I was in grade 6, but still thought its worth a mention, considering the title I have today!

Now coming back to life. With not much time to go, I have been checking on my expenses in the past months. Having said this, I don't think I'd need to elaborate as to why am I feeling the desperate need for money!
Its highly obvious, that if I spend about a $100 a weekend, I won't be keeping enough to cover the complete trip, that is the cost of the ticket and the visa (which in Indian Rs. is expensive enough for me :(( ).
Lets see, hopefully, I should scrape through just even, if I manage to maintain a tight leash on my expenses from here on (but then again, that ain't possible :( ).

Other than these worries, life's no good. Went swimming yesterday, and thats just about all that I did, other than visiting the computer fair. And, I guess I made a fool of myself by missing the African Film Festival, that Tomas had invited me to :((. Would've been a good time, I presume. Today, I was reading this article, The rise and fall of the retrosexual man, by Bachi Karkaria. She writes the Erratica column for the TOI. I have always been a reader of Erratica and Jugular Vein (by Jug Suriya), and now that the compilations of best of Erratica and Jugular Vein is out, I'll get myself a copy as soon as I get back to India. Would be a great read. Now, coming to the article, one should just read it to realise the piece is amazing :P An excerpt from the piece:
"...Come to think of it, women must thank Saamna. While apparently forcing them into a sartorial straitjacket, it actually complimented them. It said that women have to dress soberly because they are the only ones who can exercise self-control. It said categorically that men, poor things, cannot. It suggested that the minute they see a female who isn't covered from neck to toe, their eyes pop out of their sockets and they seem to be carrying a gun in their pocket..."

For the unknown, Saamna is the journal of Shiv Sena, a fundamentalist political party, based in Mumbai. Shiv Sena, under the able guidance of Bal Thakrey, has always been in news for its radical, and orthodox views.

Next, coming to todays happenings, mallu (a.k.a Suraj) asked for some help, and coz I respect this chap, for all that he's achieved in his life so far (other than the fact that he got into Civil Engg. :P:P), I shall try my best to do so. Lets hope he gets what he deserves. Other than that, I came to know that CLP, a batchie from Civil Engg., has got an internship in a company in NZ. Now, don't ask me what does CLP stand for, though I can tell you that his real name is Saurabh Kumar!



At 10:35 pm, May 02, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember a certain PPS from your campus? Well, he's an avid reader of your blog :D And he also doesn't believe you heard the joke in 6th grade, He, for one, thinks he didn't even know what square root was then :P


At 5:46 am, May 03, 2005 , Blogger vishnoi said...

well, to say the least, i did hear this piece in grade 6, remember a classmate cracking this one in front of the girls :P:P
and we had just learnt the concept of sqaures and sq. rts. as in 4 is the sq of 2 and 2 is the sq. rt. of 4.. that kind of basic shit.. :P:P


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