Friday 22 April, 2005


A status message that one of my Yahoo! buddies is sporting:
God made Grass, man made Booze... whom do u trust?

For me its pretty straight forward, I haven't tried Grass, and hopefully will not in the near future. But then I have tried booze, and its not that bad, not if you don't get into the habit of drinking it regularly. By habit people question "Is once in every 2 weeks a habit?"... well I dont think so, coz then its more like drinking socially, thats all. but yeh, people have loads of theories as to when are you in the habit and when can they call u a BOOZARD. Now, I have no idea as to how I would define these terms, but when a German fried Lars invited me to have a couple of beers with him at a pub near the uni. I didn't say no. It is these instances when I think of Rahul's band "Why Not?". :) And, the question that I have is, why not? if you are going to have a beer so occasionally that it doesn't cause you any harm, or are you going to keep thinking that its a 'no-no' as your mommy told you? Till I am not drunk to an extent that I dont know whats happenning around me, I think I can handle myself, and till its not like I go asking for money from friends so that I can have a beer (or whisky, vodka, rum or anyother drink for that matter), I guess I am well off.
Now coming to that "couple of beers" with Lars, nice chap he is :). Treated me to one Tooheys' New, and I bought some garlic bread (though it was more like butter toast :(( ) and we cagged for more than a couple of hours :) . And to think of it that Lars is very weak in english :)) Not bad then, I must say!
But, lets see where does this beer take me.



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