Monday 12 March, 2007

Dear Liar among others

Dear Liar is a play where the husband-wife duo of Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak-Shah read out letters, that recreate the intriguing relationship of last century English actress Mrs. Patrick Campbell and the famous Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw over the years. Written by Jerome Kilty and directed by Satyadev Dubey, this play was screened over the weekend at the Experimental Theater, NCPA. Ghaza, a senior from H2 did tell us about this some time 3 weeks ago, and Karthik, OD, SRR, Parasvil, and Anjor other than Ghaza and I did manage to get there for the 1st screening of the weekend, yesterday at 6.30 PM. A 2+ hour play, I was enchanted by the acting of the couple, especially Ratna Pathak. Being a fan of Naseeruddin Shah was the reason why I did agree on the trip, but being pleased to see his wife perform and outshine him was what I left the ~300 capacity hall with :) Another thing that I did resolve to do is that go to south Bombay sometime this week, and become a member of NCPA, and for that matter Prithvi too ;)
The play followed the 3 che duals - Karthik, OD and SRR run back to IIT to mug for their endsem today, while the remaining 4 of us moved to MamaMia's to hog some pizzas and pasta :) A train back to Kanjur - the 11.24 Thane local, was what got us home, and then some PAF work followed.

Today seemed to be a lot more hectic - get up at 11, lunch, work on PAF prod design/ backdrops design with srivathsan till 5, sit with ankit for scripting ideas till 6, attend a bloody soap box for the GS Cult candidates, and then go to meet A2, Doodhi and Anchal where the jobbing junta - A2 and Doodhi convinced us to drive to the Bandra Mocha, which we didn't enter, and then moved to Bandstand because Doodhi expressed the demand to have something chatpata and then Anchal the chaah for something cold and meetha. So, chaat followed by sherbat was what we had. Then a long chat/gossip on what's on with whom while we sat near the seaface, and then my need to have a coffee - Barista it had to be :) Some chillad-giri for the bill settlement later, we finally did manage to get on the bikes, and come back to IIT by 12.45. And then some more PAF kaam, and finally time to sleep :) Got classes tomorrow :| Sad life :P

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