Tuesday 21 March, 2006


Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary states the definition of fight as:

Main Entry: 1fight
Pronunciation: 'fIt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): fought /'fot/; fight·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English feohtan; akin to Old High German fehtan to fight and perhaps to Latin pectere to comb -- more at PECTINATE
intransitive senses
1 a : to contend in battle or physical combat; especially : to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons b : to engage in boxing
2 : to put forth a determined effort
transitive senses
1 a (1) : to contend against in or as if in battle or physical combat (2) : to box against in the ring b (1) : to attempt to prevent the success or effectiveness of fought the takeover attempt> (2) : to oppose the passage or development of <fight a bill in Congress>
2 a : WAGE, CARRY ON <fight a battle> b : to take part in (as a boxing match)
3 : to struggle to endure or surmount <fight a cold>
4 a : to gain by struggle <fights his way through> b : to resolve by struggle <fought out their differences in court>
5 a : to manage (a ship) in a battle or storm b : to cause to struggle or contend c : to manage in an unnecessarily rough or awkward manner
- fight shy of : to avoid facing or meeting

How and IITian would define the word fight would be "trying extremely hard to succeed against all odds". The standard definitions of fight just don't fit into what and how and IITian thinks. What we all end up doing at this 'premier institute of the country' is fight for grades, CPI, grades, internships, grades, lucrative jobs, grades, PhD. offers, grades, MBA calls, and finally grades. :) Well, that's all that most of our time is supposed to go away in.

And then there is another kind of fight. Fighting for the hostel to win the sports GC (General Championship), the Cultural GC, the Tech GC and finally, Performing Arts Festival or PAF. Hostel 4 PAF is just round the corner, with just about a week to go. One PAF already over, the atmo in the institute has a sting in the air, with most students found sleeping in classes (if not in rooms) coz they've been working their ass out in the hostel through out the night before.

Through out the past 3 1/2 years that I have been in IIT, all that I have realised is that IIT teaches one is the fighting spirit and gives us people who shall fight by our side, on the same frontline as we are. And those people who stand by us are going to be our friends for life. But cutting the senti stuff short, this post is to mention that I did have a Merriam-Webster fight with a very-very close friend of mine, and now that he has stopped talking to me, I don't know what to do. Well that was last week. The latest to that is that I just got over with another fight with Qutub, a 5th-yearite in my wing. He does get pissed at the smallest of jokes that we crack. Well that's 'coz most of them are on him :P But I guess we really got him angry this time. So, I guess my stars aren't at the right place. Don't know what to do.

Guess I'll just go to sleep and hope that all this is just a bad dream, and when I wake up, everything is fine as it was before.


At 11:42 pm, March 28, 2006 , Blogger FateGlimpse said...

don't v all have to fight? fight for survival, acceptance, rights,needs etc. life is divided into time v spend at peace and the time v spend fighting.

At 11:21 am, March 30, 2006 , Blogger vishnoi said...

yeah... we do have to fight for all that ... but then that is what life is. at iit, i would actually put all that into 'peace time' and not 'fight time' :)


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